A collection of photos describing the events Tulip Time will host during Fall Fest, including a concert by Michigan IO, the Fall Fest Artisan Market, and Community Planting Day.

Fall fest Activities

October 4 and 5, 2025

Come see what Tulip Time will be bringing to Downtown Holland's Fall Fest this year!

Click here to see the events Tulip Time is planning.

fall arti­san market

Part of Fall Fest

Octo­ber 4 – 5 is the Tulip Time Fall Arti­san Mar­ket, part of down­town Hol­land’s Fall Fest!

Click here to apply to be a vendor

Click here to volunteer

Michi­gan IO

Part of Fall Fest

Michi­gan-IO is a folk music ensem­ble based in Hol­land, MI that has gath­ered songs from a 1938 jour­ney by folk­lorist, Alan Lomax, who led a crew com­mis­sioned by the Library of Con­gress to record the folk songs of Michi­gan and the Great Lakes region. The songs tell a sto­ry of the lum­ber­ing, min­ing, ship­ping, and every­day real­i­ties of the peo­ple who lived and worked in Michigan’s ear­ly state­hood. Michi­gan-IO gives voice to these time­less tunes in a con­tem­po­rary way that hon­ors the sto­ries and cel­e­brates the folk music tra­di­tion through­out the Great Lakes.

Com­mu­ni­ty Bulb Planting

A great way to get involved with the fes­ti­val. Help the City of Hol­land Parks Depart­ment plant tulip bulbs at Win­dow on the Waterfront!

Vol­un­teers are need­ed for four shifts: 

  • Fri­day, Octo­ber 4 from 10 am — 12 pm,
  • Fri­day, Octo­ber 4 from 1 pm — 3 pm,
  • Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 5 from 8 am to 10 am,
  • or Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 5, from 10 am to 12 pm.


Tulip Time 2025 is May 3 – 11. We’ll announce the line­up of events, fes­tiv­i­ties, and exhibits in Novem­ber of 2024. Click the link to be the first to know when the line­up gets announced.

The Tulip Time poster com­pe­ti­tion is live!

West Michi­gan artists are invit­ed to enter up to 3 pieces to be con­sid­ered for the offi­cial Tulip Time 2025 Poster! Artists as young as 16 are wel­come to participate.

2024 Merch still available

Grab a piece of his­to­ry with a 2024 or 95th anniver­sary sou­venir. Get yours before they’re gone!